Predefinição:Download Development Deltas Table

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Downloads openSUSE Distribution Delta ISO from {{{1}}} {{{2}}} to {{{1}}} {{{3}}}
x86 CD1 CD2 CD3 CD4 CD5 BitTorrent DVD BitTorrent

Source DVD BitTorrent

x86-64 CD1 CD2 CD3 CD4 CD5 BitTorrent DVD BitTorrent

Source DVD BitTorrent

ppc CD1 CD2 CD3 CD4 CD5 BitTorrent DVD BitTorrent

Source DVD BitTorrent

Checksums MD5SUMS

Downloads openSUSE Add On Media Delta ISO from {{{1}}} {{{2}}} to {{{1}}} {{{3}}}
x86 Language Add-On CD BitTorrent Sources BitTorrent
x86-64 Language Add-On CD BitTorrent Sources BitTorrent
ppc Language Add-on CD BitTorrent Sources BitTorrent
x86 and x86-64 Binary Add-On CD BitTorrent Sources BitTorrent
ppc Binary Add-on CD BitTorrent Sources BitTorrent
Checksums MD5SUMS